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Terra Nova is a utopian society, where the fundamental ethical philosophy is based on utilitarian ideals meaning it focuses on the greater good of the society. The fundamental ethical philosophy forming the foundation of this utopian society would be that- no one should have to suffer simply because they were not provided with the same opportunities as someone else. In order to ensure this equality of opportunities, each person would be provided with compulsory school education, the education at the school level would be free so that it is affordable and effective for all children. From this school education the children will be able to build their foundation and have the opportunities to be successful. Along with education, the government would also provide families with basic shelter and basic food supply. This way, each individual would have the same opportunities and would be allowed to succeed or fail on the basis of how hard they work and their dedication. Hence, the government has a few communistic ideas, however, on the larger scale, it would be democratic, a rule by the people and for the people.


Overall, the  main ethical philosophy for the utopian society is an equality of opportunity. Such an ideal concept can be recognized in Cuba, in which the original plan was to give everyone equal rights and opportunities. We are also able to recognize the rationing/distribution of food by government to the people (e.g. all children until the age of 18 are supplied with a litre of milk a day) referred to as “la libreta”, as well as mandatory school education.


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